Sunrise project underway

We all know that sunrise is one of the best times of the day for photography, but as far as I’m concerned it’s an even better time for sleeping! Fortunately though my office has a mighty fine view of the Flatirons, and so I’ve set up the camera on a timer (with a Lenskirt) to shoot 120 frames over a 30 minute period at sunrise each day. Week one of this effort has already yielded some good dawns…

Boulder Flatirons sunrise

Sunrise on the Boulder Flatirons

This morning I had to field a query from the cleaners – who were worried that turning on the lights to take out the trash might be ruining the images (!) – but apart from that it’s going well. My original plan was to shoot a continuous “month of sunrises”, but maybe a month’s worth of distinct sunrises would be better? (Apart from pure blue sky days they all look different.) In any event I want to continue until Fall is over and we get some snow on the Flatirons, which is always spectacular!


We’re now two weeks in, and about a third of mornings are yielding great sunrises, another third are blue sky days, and the rest are clouded out. No snow yet

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