Alaska sunset
An admittedly cliched Alaskan scene, from our trip to Wrangell in 2013. … Continue reading
An admittedly cliched Alaskan scene, from our trip to Wrangell in 2013. … Continue reading
We hold an annual departmental graduation ceremony for our majors and Ph.D. students in Fiske planetarium. It’s a great venue, but a challenge for photography because even when the house lights are on, they’re not very bright. At all! Shooting … Continue reading
The Salmon glacier, in British Columbia (though you have to drive a dirt road from Hyder, Alaska, to get there!). A strong contender, in my opinion, for the title of best “drive-up” viewpoint in North America. … Continue reading
Last week I got an email from a Brazilian conservation group asking for permission to use one of my images as part of the graphic design for a book cover (in Portuguese only!). Of course this was OK, since I … Continue reading
In my first few years living in Colorado I made several brief hiking and photography trips exploring the corners of my new home. This was back in the days of film (typically Provia 100), and I have a modest collection … Continue reading
The deserts of the American southwest, and southern Utah in particular, are probably my favorite hiking area. It’s just a day’s drive, or less, from my home in Boulder, Colorado, and I’ve lost count of the number of hiking trips … Continue reading
The hike to Grizzly Lake in the Yukon’s Tombstone mountains is, to say the least, a bit out of the way. The trailhead is at the 58.5km mark (about 36 miles) along the Dempster Highway, an unpaved road notorious for … Continue reading
I’ll be headed back to Santiago in May, though for a work trip that won’t afford much time for photography. This image is from Valparaiso a few years back. … Continue reading
Made a detour up Flagstaff mountain en route to the office this evening, stopping as usual at the Lost Gulch Overlook. It’s a popular spot, and a few sunset watchers were still around. It was also windy (though not cold) … Continue reading
The onset of a particularly busy spell at work means that there are unlikely to be many firings of the shutter or new images this month! It’s that time of year, however, when thoughts turn to possible summer destinations. A … Continue reading